Besides the driver, who is liable for your truck crash injuries?

On Behalf of | Nov 29, 2023 | Truck Accidents |

All too often, truck accidents are devastating for victims, who may suffer severe or catastrophic injuries. Who is responsible for the damage, losses and injuries caused by a truck crash?

Like most, you may immediately assume the truck operator holds sole liability for your injuries, but it may not be that simple. Find all responsible parties to maximize your compensation—you will need every cent you deserve to promote your injury recovery.

Other parties to investigate

Often, someone other than (or in addition to) the truck driver may be liable for accident injuries, especially in truck crashes, as they frequently involve multiple parties. Identifying them helps to ensure all who caused your injuries are held accountable.

Here are some examples of who may share liability for your injuries.

  • Trucking company. When it does not hire qualified drivers or maintain safe fleet operations
  • Cargo owner/loader. When they fail to load or restrain the truck’s cargo properly
  • Truck or auto manufacturer. When it distributes defective or dangerous parts that compromise road safety
  • Another motorist. When they were intoxicated, distracted or in violation of traffic laws
  • Government entity. When the road contains hazardous conditions (potholes, etc.) that can lead to an accident
  • Construction company. When it does not provide a safe pathway for motorists and keep the work zone free of obstacles

As you can see, your truck accident claim may not be as simple as you initially believed. Since you could face insurmountable medical costs because of your crash injuries, identifying all liable parties is essential.

A legal representative can help you make the most of your claim under California accident and injury compensation laws.