Increasingly, drivers are sharing the road with bicyclists of all ages and experience levels. In some areas, it’s not unusual to see a group of cyclists belonging to one of Northern California’s many bicycle clubs or a group training for a charity ride. In many...
Year: 2022
What can you do to avoid a blind spot accident?
You have likely heard about the often-large blind spots that large truck drivers deal with. What you may not realize is that drivers of any vehicle have one or more blind spots. Since everyone on the road is dealing with areas where it’s hard to see other drivers, you...
What are 3 major causes of bicycle accidents?
Californians cycle for a variety of reasons. While some rely on cycling as their primary mode of transportation, others do so to keep fit and derive its health benefits. However, cycling comes with its share of risks. Every year, thousands of bicycle accidents are...
Are some bicycles safer than others?
Many people who cycled everywhere as kids get caught up in the world of car ownership and forget about cycling for years. Then one day, they remember the advantages a bike brings. If you are considering cycling again, you may need to buy a bike. With so many to choose...
3 types of drivers to watch out for
Your safety on the road lies in the hand of all those you share the road with. Driving well yourself can make a huge difference, but others add so many variables to the situation that even expert drivers can be injured. Observing people at the wheel can give clues...
Are left turns worth the risk?
Look at the routes you take each day by car, motorcycle, bicycle, or something else. You likely make some left turns and some rights. Research suggests that reducing the number of left turns you make could improve safety for yourself and others. Here is why: 61% of...
Is avoiding a bike crash really all your responsibility?
As an avid cyclist, you’ve spent many hours on the roads. You know that other drivers aren’t always cautious, and you do your best to mitigate the risk. Despite your best efforts, you could end up in a cycling crash. If that happens, it’s essential that you take the...
When is a vehicle considered “totaled” in California?
When you emerge from a serious crash, your first concern is dealing with your injuries. At some point, you then turn your attention to your vehicle. As you deal with the at-fault driver’s insurance company, one of the things that may need to be determined is whether...
Spring tips for motorcyclists to remain safe
Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month is almost over, but there’s still time to remind motorcyclists and others about some safety tips that can help motorcyclists to make it to their destination without an incident occurring. Motorcyclists know that safety has to be a...
Is it really more dangerous to ride on the sidewalk?
When many people start getting into cycling, they automatically gravitate toward riding on the sidewalk. This may be because riding on the road makes them nervous, or it may be because they learned how to ride on the sidewalk as a child and they just thought this was...