The more someone bikes in close proximity to motor vehicles, the greater their chance of eventually ending up in a crash. Cyclists sometimes crash on their own when they hit loose gravel or turn too fast. Minor injuries are likely in such scenarios, and many cyclists...
Bicycle Accidents
3 things drivers should know about cyclists
Cycling has been and continues to be a common mode of transport and exercise. The government and institutions do their best to ensure cyclists achieve their goals. However, despite observing safety measures, negligent drivers may endanger cyclists. One of the reasons...
Cyclists die in accidents at double the expected rate
Cycling accidents are a huge problem in the United States. As gas becomes more expensive and people decide to ride their bikes more often, this problem is just going to become exaggerated. Cyclists have to share the road with motor vehicles and the mistakes that these...
Why wildlife can be a major concern for competitive cyclists
Competitive cyclists travel at high speeds and usually cover major distances in a single race. They train aggressively and exert themselves in a relatively dangerous environment. Most avid cyclists and tri-athletes will tell anyone who asks that there is nothing like...
2 things you need to know about bicycle helmets for your safety
Going out for a bike ride on a sunny California afternoon can be a real pleasure, as well as an effective form of local transportation and personal exercise. Sadly, going for a ride on public streets can put your safety at risk. You will need to take proactive steps...
Should bicycles have strobe lights or solid lights?
Bikes are required to have lights when people are going to ride them after dark. Cyclists must have white lights on the front and red lights on the back. This helps to make the bike more visible, and it also indicates to drivers which way the bike is traveling. In...
Why e-bike collision injuries can be particularly serious
Electric bikes, or e-bikes, are becoming increasingly popular. They help those who use their bikes to commute to work or to make deliveries as part of their job get where they’re going faster. They also let cyclists (particularly older or less experienced ones) tackle...
Why do people in motor vehicles fail to spot cyclists?
Technically, bicycles are vehicles even though they don't have a motor. As a cyclist, you have to follow many of the same rules as those in motorized vehicles. You drive on the same side of the road, and you need to indicate your intention to turn or stop for the...
What are 3 major causes of bicycle accidents?
Californians cycle for a variety of reasons. While some rely on cycling as their primary mode of transportation, others do so to keep fit and derive its health benefits. However, cycling comes with its share of risks. Every year, thousands of bicycle accidents are...
Are some bicycles safer than others?
Many people who cycled everywhere as kids get caught up in the world of car ownership and forget about cycling for years. Then one day, they remember the advantages a bike brings. If you are considering cycling again, you may need to buy a bike. With so many to choose...