Many people who cycled everywhere as kids get caught up in the world of car ownership and forget about cycling for years. Then one day, they remember the advantages a bike brings. If you are considering cycling again, you may need to buy a bike. With so many to choose...
Bicycle Accidents
Is avoiding a bike crash really all your responsibility?
As an avid cyclist, you’ve spent many hours on the roads. You know that other drivers aren’t always cautious, and you do your best to mitigate the risk. Despite your best efforts, you could end up in a cycling crash. If that happens, it’s essential that you take the...
Is it really more dangerous to ride on the sidewalk?
When many people start getting into cycling, they automatically gravitate toward riding on the sidewalk. This may be because riding on the road makes them nervous, or it may be because they learned how to ride on the sidewalk as a child and they just thought this was...
Do you need bicycle insurance as an avid cyclist?
Cycling is a healthy habit for children and adults alike. It increases cardiovascular fitness and can even help people lose weight. Traveling by bicycle is also cheaper and more environmentally friendly than using a motor vehicle. For all the benefits it offers,...
Are cyclists always granted the right of way?
While a fun pastime and efficient means of travel, cycling is a dangerous activity when done around motor vehicles and on the open road. Traffic fatalities in California are rising as the popularity of cycling continues its trend upwards. Confusion over the...
Can the Dutch reach reduce “dooring” incidents?
Bicyclists have the right to enjoy the same roads that drivers use. Unfortunately, drivers don’t always prioritize the safety of bicyclists. Even those who take steps to keep cyclists safe while they’re driving might not think about safety when they stop. “Dooring” is...
A bicycle crash, a brain injury and the road to recovery
Bicycling is an activity you can enjoy all year round in California, but there are risks involved. For instance, despite wearing a helmet, a car-bicycle crash could cause you to suffer a brain injury. You might get over a concussion in a matter of weeks. However,...
Why don’t drivers like cyclists?
You have probably seen countless examples of drivers who just seem to have animosity toward cyclists. Maybe you’ve had drivers honk their horns at you, or you’ve had them tailgate you when there’s no room to pass. Maybe you simply heard about the recent story where a...
Helmet and bike cameras can be a cyclist’s best friend in a crash
Bicyclists rarely come out of a crash with a vehicle with nothing more than a few scrapes. Injuries can be severe and even life-altering. Too often, however, these crashes occur in remote areas where there’s little traffic and – if you’re riding alone – no witnesses...
Cyclists deserve better
Every year, nearly 40,000 people die in car accidents. Roughly 2 percent of these are cyclists. That may sound like it’s not that many, but it’s at least 800 deaths per year, or more than two deaths every single day. Plus, those statistics are just considering those...